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Instructions for Submission of Abstract

Importante: Tendo em vista a situação emergencial de saúde de proporção mundial, causada pela COVID-19, a comissão científica do BMOS entende que vários laboratórios de pesquisa permaneceram fechados nos dois últimos anos. Desta forma, estabelece em caráter excepcional, que serão aceitos, além de resumos de trabalhos inéditos, aqueles que tiverem sido publicados neste período, com a devida citação.

Important: In view of the emergency health situation of global proportion, caused by COVID-19, the BMOS scientific committee understands that several research laboratories remained closed during the last two years. Therefore, it establishes that, exceptionally, abstracts of unpublished papers will be accepted, in addition to those that have been published during this period, with the proper citation.

Cada inscrição permite submeter um resumo.

Each registration allows the submission of one abstract.

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Instrution for the preparation of the poster 

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